
Bienvenido to Thomasina, Kitty, Sylvia and La Alpujarra my latest followers, enjoy reading, and comment whenever you want, I love feedback, also follow me on Twitter if you're not already doing! , and the Facebook badge is on the right.


  1. Following you on twitter now! Your blog jumps about a lot with the content up-loads!
    Have a look at the blog My Castle in Spain it is a good one for you to follow. Find it on my blog roll.

  2. Will do Kitty Thanks, yes this one has St Vitus dance while loading, too much info! settles down once you're loaded though (I think) Loading up a new food blog, aimed at Tapas and Middle eastern food, with whatever is in season, keep an eye,,,Re Twitter:have a look at my other followers/followees, you might like the some of the same


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