something borrowed, something blue....

So Burma showed us freedom, and Somalia followed suit, then poor old Kate agreed to be locked up with the 'firm'....silly girl.
But of course the news will be wall-to-wall nuptials from now until April....with the post mortem afterwards, and as there'll be no avoiding the whole shebang we may as well wish them luck and hope that the bride to be only has to wear the mother-in-laws ring and not her shoes too eh?

Of all the functions that we have attended here in Spain, Baptisms, Communions, Fiestas and Funerals (there I go again, menopausally morbid, just ignore me)  never have we (yet) gone to a I'll have to wait and bide my time to compare the Irish or UK equivalent here in Las Alpujarras, Spain.  I did however get to lurk over the outdoor terrace when the neighbour hosted one for her daughter - the nearby town´s bespectacled Optician - and now son in law - the nearby town's Ferreteria owner. 
(No, he doesn't sell's the hardware store!!)

The wedding took place on a hot summers evening, the sun slipping down over the mountain and colouring the sea pink.  The guests stood waiting outside the house, until the bride emerged - minus her specs -  in cream traditional lace to kisses claps and cheers.  Then taking her Fathers arm the whole procession...about 100 or so.....walked through little twinkling tealights up to the Iglesia de San Miguel for the mass.

Afterwards they did what the Spanish do best, they partied....I thought it looked simple, traditional - well, nearly....her mother was carrying the baby....and devoid of pomp and ceremony, not bad at all.

And if her Dad paid for the day I would guess his bill would have been less than Mr Middletons. Ouch.


  1. Is it just me thinks there's something a bit creepy about wearing a dead woman's ring, that brought her so much misery?

  2. well, we're all the makers of our own luck - so hopefully she will have the wit and wisdom to survive, and , hey, it's a pretty nice rock!


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