Hacer Agosto

Or to 'make your August' a Spanish term for anyone in the service industry as it seems they are the only ones still working this month.
Here in Spain, or at least here in Andalucia, it seems everything closes if it's not tourism related. So if you work in an office, you get the whole month off. Great for anyone who does, not so great if you want something done this month. Mañana syndrome at it's best?

Our beautiful renovation   casa duende is booked up next week,  with a positive enquiry for the week after, so this month we shall be concentrating on attracting more of you from September onwards, and then you can also sample this beautiful part of Las Alpujarras for yourselves!

Given this month is 'time out' for most natives, our friends and neighbours are here from Almeria, with their family having travelled from Madrid, who would blame them for wanting to escape the city for tranquility while it is so hot.
We have had several invitations to social events with them already - must reciprocate - including a couple of barbecues.  Back in the UK a BBQ meant the general cremation of processed hamburgers and sausages, with the ubiquitous potato salad - all the meat black outside nicely raw inside with the succulent aroma of lighter fluid -  it's a wonder we didn't kill off a few people, not to mention the rusty grill due to the omnipresent rainfall. It always seemed like a good idea as soon as the sun put it's hat on.

Well, as you know the sun is permanently be-hatted here in Andalucia for the most part of the year, and a BBQ means FISH.  Last week we feasted on HUGE prawns, little flat sole, whole squid, calamari, sardines and paella - what a difference.   They also cook randomly here, chatting, picking at half shell mussels and salad, the cooked food coming out slowly in relay fashion, before you know it your Spanish lesson has gone on for 4 or 5 hours. Bliss.

So next time you are tempted to dust off the grill, remember to just buy and clean some fresh fish, a little salt, olive oil and some fresh lemons are all you need, ask a few good friends, crack open a few bottles and away you go!
Or alternatively visit us here and I'll show you how!
